ATOR ); } return $path; } /** * Get the relative path of the image. * * @param string $img Image URL. * * @return string The expanded image URL. */ public static function get_relative_path( $img ) { if ( $img[0] !== '/' ) { return $img; } // If it's a relative URL, it's relative to the domain, not necessarily to the WordPress install, we // want to preserve domain name and URL scheme (http / https) though. $parsed_url = wp_parse_url( home_url() ); $img = $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' . $parsed_url['host'] . $img; return $img; } /** * Get the image file size. * * @param array $image An image array object. * * @return int The file size in bytes. */ public static function get_file_size( $image ) { if ( isset( $image['filesize'] ) ) { return $image['filesize']; } if ( ! isset( $image['path'] ) ) { return 0; } // If the file size for the file is over our limit, we're going to go for a smaller version. if ( function_exists( 'wp_filesize' ) ) { return wp_filesize( self::get_absolute_path( $image['path'] ) ); } return file_exists( $image['path'] ) ? (int) filesize( $image['path'] ) : 0; } /** * Returns the different image variations for consideration. * * @param int $attachment_id The attachment to return the variations for. * * @return array The different variations possible for this attachment ID. */ public static function get_variations( $attachment_id ) { $variations = []; foreach ( self::get_sizes() as $size ) { $variation = self::get_image( $attachment_id, $size ); // The get_image function returns false if the size doesn't exist for this attachment. if ( $variation ) { $variations[] = $variation; } } return $variations; } /** * Check original size of image. If original image is too small, return false, else return true. * * Filters a list of variations by a certain set of usable dimensions. * * @param array $usable_dimensions { * The parameters to check against. * * @type int $min_width Minimum width of image. * @type int $max_width Maximum width of image. * @type int $min_height Minimum height of image. * @type int $max_height Maximum height of image. * } * @param array $variations The variations that should be considered. * * @return array Whether a variation is fit for display or not. */ public static function filter_usable_dimensions( $usable_dimensions, $variations ) { $filtered = []; foreach ( $variations as $variation ) { $dimensions = $variation; if ( self::has_usable_dimensions( $dimensions, $usable_dimensions ) ) { $filtered[] = $variation; } } return $filtered; } /** * Filters a list of variations by (disk) file size. * * @param array $variations The variations to consider. * * @return array The validations that pass the required file size limits. */ public static function filter_usable_file_size( $variations ) { foreach ( $variations as $variation ) { // We return early to prevent measuring the file size of all the variations. if ( self::has_usable_file_size( $variation ) ) { return [ $variation ]; } } return []; } /** * Retrieve the internal WP image file sizes. * * @return array An array of image sizes. */ public static function get_sizes() { /** * Filter: 'wpseo_image_sizes' - Determines which image sizes we'll loop through to get an appropriate image. * * @param array $sizes The array of image sizes to loop through. */ return apply_filters( 'wpseo_image_sizes', [ 'full', 'large', 'medium_large' ] ); } /** * Grabs an image alt text. * * @param int $attachment_id The attachment ID. * * @return string The image alt text. */ public static function get_alt_tag( $attachment_id ) { return (string) get_post_meta( $attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ); } /** * Checks whether an img sizes up to the parameters. * * @param array $dimensions The image values. * @param array $usable_dimensions The parameters to check against. * * @return bool True if the image has usable measurements, false if not. */ private static function has_usable_dimensions( $dimensions, $usable_dimensions ) { foreach ( [ 'width', 'height' ] as $param ) { $minimum = $usable_dimensions[ 'min_' . $param ]; $maximum = $usable_dimensions[ 'max_' . $param ]; $current = $dimensions[ $param ]; if ( ( $current < $minimum ) || ( $current > $maximum ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Gets the post's first usable content image. Null if none is available. * * @param int|null $post_id The post id. * * @return string|null The image URL. */ public static function get_first_usable_content_image_for_post( $post_id = null ) { $post = get_post( $post_id ); // We know get_post() returns the post or null. if ( ! $post ) { return null; } $image_finder = new WPSEO_Content_Images(); $images = $image_finder->get_images( $post->ID, $post ); return self::get_first_image( $images ); } /** * Gets the term's first usable content image. Null if none is available. * * @param int $term_id The term id. * * @return string|null The image URL. */ public static function get_first_content_image_for_term( $term_id ) { $term_description = term_description( $term_id ); // We know term_description() returns a string which may be empty. if ( $term_description === '' ) { return null; } $image_finder = new WPSEO_Content_Images(); $images = $image_finder->get_images_from_content( $term_description ); return self::get_first_image( $images ); } /** * Retrieves an attachment ID for an image uploaded in the settings. * * Due to self::get_attachment_by_url returning 0 instead of false. * 0 is also a possibility when no ID is available. * * @param string $setting The setting the image is stored in. * * @return int|bool The attachment id, or false or 0 if no ID is available. */ public static function get_attachment_id_from_settings( $setting ) { $image_id = WPSEO_Options::get( $setting . '_id', false ); if ( $image_id ) { return $image_id; } $image = WPSEO_Options::get( $setting, false ); if ( $image ) { // There is not an option to put a URL in an image field in the settings anymore, only to upload it through the media manager. // This means an attachment always exists, so doing this is only needed once. $image_id = self::get_attachment_by_url( $image ); } // Only store a new ID if it is not 0, to prevent an update loop. if ( $image_id ) { WPSEO_Options::set( $setting . '_id', $image_id ); } return $image_id; } /** * Retrieves the first possible image url from an array of images. * * @param array $images The array to extract image url from. * * @return string|null The extracted image url when found, null when not found. */ protected static function get_first_image( $images ) { if ( ! is_array( $images ) ) { return null; } $images = array_filter( $images ); if ( empty( $images ) ) { return null; } return reset( $images ); } }